Tag: baseball

  • Should Fantasy Sports Be Classed As Gambling?

    Should Fantasy Sports Be Classed As Gambling?

    Online fantasy sport games are becoming increasingly popular in the modern era, with more and more variations on traditional fantasy games. There are now fantasy games for most sports, including but not limited to American football, soccer and rugby union. In particular, companies have latched onto major sporting competitions and offer fantasy games for those…

  • Neuroband Clothing Gives Athletes Measurable Performance Boost

    Neuroband Clothing Gives Athletes Measurable Performance Boost

    What Do Peyton Manning, Dwight Howard, and Diana Nyad Have in Common? They all rely on performance-enhancing technology. Forget drugs that boost performance but cause health problems – and get athletes stripped of medals, titles and anything else they’ve earned. Professionals and amateurs alike have discovered a new technology, Neurobands, to optimize their performance on…

  • In The United Kingdom, Toronto Blue Jays Makes Canada Tourist Target

    In The United Kingdom, Toronto Blue Jays Makes Canada Tourist Target

    In the era of social media, it only takes a few seconds for a picture to change the world. Photographs shared on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest can shape public opinion in seconds, which has huge implications for politics, marketing, and social campaigning. Last week, amongst the many iconic images doing the rounds…