Tag Archives: audit

San Francisco Zoo Report: Urgent Need for Habitat Improvements


SAN FRANCISCO (November, 2024) — report “daylighting” serious animal welfare, management and infrastructure failings at San Francisco Zoo was presented yesterday by the San Francisco Joint Zoo/Recreation and Parks Committee Animal Welfare Advisors, Jane Tobin and Joseph Spinelli DVM. The report contains a “complete list of habitat and welfare issues as well as facilities recommendations,” and critiques unsafe infrastructure, mismanagement, and misplaced priorities, while offering actionable solutions to address the zoo’s deep-rooted issues. 

Tobin explained, “This is an opportunity for people to understand, like, where are we with the state of the zoo? Having an audit like this does definitely daylight a lot of issues.” Tobin raised a variety of “habitat issues, oversight issues, acquisition plan issues,” and urged the zoo to prioritize habitat updates and genuinely engage with public concerns, reminding it of its duty to respond to public records requests and update its “really out of date” Memorandum of Understanding, last updated in 1993.

The report, which was prepared in consultation with current and former zoo staff, the San Francisco Animal Commission and animal welfare organizations including In Defense of Animals, SF Zoo Watch and Panda Voices, details “many of the Zoo’s enclosures are extremely outdated and fail to meet the criteria outlined above from an animal welfare perspective” with some exhibits approaching 100 years old. Tobin shared in the meeting, “It has been a really long time since we’ve seen any infrastructure updates, habitat construction, renovations, and short or long-term plans, and I think that you might ask the questions, well, how does that impact animal welfare? A great deal.”

Report co-author Dr. Spinelli has a long history with San Francisco Zoo and has served as an animal welfare advisor on the Joint Zoo Committee since 2009. He said, “For the future, I haven’t heard of a strategic plan for improving the quality of the spaces for the animals.”

Tobin drew attention to many animals in temporary habitats “well beyond their deadline,” citing one case in which animals have been without a permanent enclosure for six years. She said, “Animals should have a permanent habitat ready upon arrival and a financial impact analysis report would be wonderful so that the committee can fully understand with that acquisition what impact it would have on the care of the current animal inhabitants and the existing strategic plan.”

Concerning highly-controversial plans to acquire giant pandas, the report states, “The arrival of the giant pandas would make the already poor situation of the current animals living at the zoo even worse, diverting attention and resources away from doing basic repairs and building exhibits for other animals.”

Report Highlights:

  • Update the MOU: Modernize the 1993 agreement to include robust animal welfare standards and appoint non-voting advisors, such as veterinarians and animal welfare experts, to ensure ethical oversight.
  • Reject the Panda Plan: Halt the multi-million dollar panda exhibit and focus resources on improving the welfare of current animals and fixing infrastructure.
  • Infrastructure Overhaul: Redesign outdated enclosures to meet modern ethical and safety standards.
  • Transition the Zoo: Implement a rescue and rehabilitation model instead of trading and breeding programs.
  • Establish Oversight: Create an independent commission focused on animal welfare with robust authority.

The zoo audit follows a San Francisco Chronicle investigation and series of articles exposing zoo mismanagement, as well as a catalog of current concerns raised by animal advocates including the zoo’s reckless plans to import giant pandas from China by 2025. An In Defense of Animals’ alert exposing the issues at the zoo and urging the cancellation of the panda plans has gained over 14,000 supporters.


“We are grateful for the recommendations report from the Joint Zoo/Recreation and Parks committee animal welfare advisors which illustrates extreme issues that must be fixed at San Francisco Zoo,” said Brittany Michelson, Campaign Specialist for Captive Animals at In Defense of Animals. “These recommendations should be taken seriously and implemented immediately.” 

Justin Barker of SF Zoo Watch said, “I think we need to get real about the zoo. 97% of the union staff don’t have confidence in the management, yet you stood by the CEO. We have major infrastructure issues. Stop painting the rosiest picture.”

Interjections from angry docents during the meeting were quelled by Commissioner Larry Mazzola who admitted, “communication is important and it might have been lacking until today.”

However, after the meeting, several zoo docents hurled verbal abuse at Barker. They brandished a photo of the zoo’s langur exhibit, one of the poorest habitats cited in the report, calling out, “You are complaining about this? How dare you!”

They also made public comments in the meeting urging all concerned to “move on” and suggested incidents were isolated to the deadly tiger escape 15 years ago. The audit is the latest of a mountain of evidence exposing current failings from zoo staff, media, and animal welfare organizations. The committee heard today how two additional animals were reported to have died last month from unsafe conditions — a penguin who died with a mold-caused infection, and a pelican who is presumed to have died from predation owing to an unsafe enclosure.

Notable zoo safety incidents include:

  • 2007 – The escape of Siberian tiger Tatiana, who killed a visitor before being shot
  • 2011 The theft of squirrel monkey Banana Sam
  • 2014 – The crushing of baby lowland gorilla Kabibe by a hydraulic door malfunction
  • 2020 – The theft of endangered lemur Maki
  • 2020 – The deaths of two wallaroos and a red kangaroo who were killed when a predator entered their unsafe enclosure
  • 2023 – The death of Handy Harry, a young penguin struck and killed by a guillotine door
  • 2023 – The near-death of a keeper when a grizzly bear chased her owing to a door malfunction
  • 2024 – The death of a sacred ibis due to unsafe, filthy conditions in the birdhouse by aspergillosis — an infection caused by mold
  • 2024 – Two further deaths of a penguin and pelican possibly caused by mold and predation in October

These incidents represent only a fraction of the zoo’s long history of neglect and unsafe conditions. A significant number of keepers have resigned, citing management’s negligence towards both animal and staff safety.


San Francisco is grappling with an $800 million usd/ $1.12 billion cad budget shortfall that has already led to deep cuts in public services like health and education. Amid this crisis, the zoo’s plan to acquire pandas — estimated to cost $70 million usd/ $98 million cad over 10 years — is financially irresponsible. While private fundraising might cover initial construction, long-term care for pandas requires significant ongoing resources, including specialized facilities, experienced staff, and regular flights to supply fresh bamboo.

If the zoo incurs expenses that far exceed the revenue generated from panda exhibitions as has happened at other zoos hosting pandas — most recently in Finland and previously in Scotland — the mounting costs may lead to a shortage of bamboo supply and poor bamboo quality, compromising the welfare of the pandas, as happened at the Memphis Zoo which led to pandas’ ill health and death.


Adding to these concerns, the proposed habitat — rumored to be a repurposed big cat exhibit near predators — is severely unsuitable for pandas, who are highly sensitive to noise and smell. This plan exemplifies the zoo’s misplaced priorities, diverting attention and resources from fixing crumbling infrastructure and addressing the welfare of its current inhabitants.

Members of the public are encouraged to sign the alert urging decision-makers to halt the panda plan: https://idausa.org/sfpanda


The Humane Future of Zoos? The Hologram Zoo is a thing.

7 Serious Tips for Better Bookkeeping in Canada

Bookkeeping is tedious for most business owners unless you are a seasoned accountant or a fan of working with numbers. That is because businesses have a lot of financial details that need to be recorded, for instance, which supplier should be paid, outstanding customers, equipment to buy, significant purchases to make, and more. Without an accounting and bookkeeping system, you may lose essential business data, miss important goals, or make uninformed decisions that may affect your company’s finances.

Proper money-handling strategies are integral in any business as it helps you keep track of your long-term goals, improve your profits, and streamline seasonal cash flow changes. In addition, it will help your business stay out of trouble with the Internal Revenue Service or IRS.

By adopting good bookkeeping habits, you can avoid costly errors when it comes to record keeping. You can opt to have an in-house team to handle all your bookkeeping services, but this can be un-economical for small business owners. To save on cost, you can work with a bookkeeping agency, which often offers professional online and virtual services in Canada at very fair rates.

Here are seven tips for better bookkeeping for businesses in Canada.

Separate Your Business and Personal Finances

If you are a sole business owner, you should learn to separate your personal and business accounts. This will help you maintain records of every business and personal spending and help you keep the boundary to alleviate eating into the business growth finances.

For limited liability companies, the business is a separate entity from you, and your finances should be kept separate. That means you need to know which assets belong to the business and which are yours. By eliminating all personal transactions from the business accounts, you will lower the number of transactions the bookkeeper needs to categorize and reconcile. Additionally, your tax preparation and filing process will be seamless. You can find a bookkeeper in Canada to help you separate your accounts and provide outsourced business and personal bookkeeping services.

Control Your Business Credit

One of the common signs of an insolvent business is the inability to make payments promptly. The company may need better credit scores, lack of funding, or challenges in fulfilling its working capital needs.

When your business depends on bank financing to fund everyday operations, you will need help to pay back your high-interest debt. Therefore, you need to do due diligence before taking external funding.

You should set strict deadlines for your clients to pay what they owe and consider blocklisting repeat offenders that are taking advantage of you. Eliminate any late payments, as it is just like an interest-free loan. Your business may quickly become a cash-flow crisis if you lack rigorous credit control.

Track Business Expenses

Business expenses may be claimed against tax; therefore, tracking them is crucial if you want to cut overhead and maintain a healthy cash flow. You should always use a business credit card and keep records of expenses based on business activity.

Categorizing your expenses can be crucial, especially when your business is undergoing an CRA audit. The numbers on tax returns are often estimates, and these records help offer supporting evidence. Always remember that even trivial expenses will add up, and having records of everything can be helpful in the long run.

Overspending negatively affects any business; hence, keeping track of your expenses will ensure you track all your expenditures. Always remember that every dollar that you spend takes the business one step away from making a profit. Therefore, when running a business, keep a close watch on all your expenses, understand the benefit you gain from each expense, and document everything carefully. With outsourced online bookkeeping services, you can keep track of all your business expenses and maintain good records.

Schedule Routine Bookkeeping Times

As a business owner, you are handling many things at once, which can eat into the time you can use to monitor your financial record books.

The best way to keep your accounts is by consistently scheduling times to balance your books or working with a bookkeeping company in Canada. You can set aside time when your credit card statement is due and check through your monthly transactions to ensure everything is accurate. Although this task will take about one or two hours, it will simplify your life during the tax season by making tax preparation and filing much more effortless.

Create Budgets For Your Expenses And Set Financial Goals

Planning for business expenses, especially significant purchases, can help you best utilize your business resources and credit while giving you the peace of mind you need. Setting up and reviewing business budgets is directly related to the success of your business.

According to research, small businesses that regularly review their budgets on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis have success rates of 95%, 75%, and 25%, respectively. Therefore, if you want your business to succeed, you must have relatively high unused credit balances. In addition, you should also ensure your budget is monitored regularly, understand the benefits of using credit for your company, and be able to earmark the right amount of business payroll expenses.

Automate Manual Processes

One of the best accounting tips for growing businesses and start-ups is automating routine bookkeeping. Most accounting and bookkeeping activities are repetitive, and automating them will make your work easier and seamless.

Some repetitive bookkeeping processes you can automate include paying employees’ salaries monthly, following up on late invoices, and tracking invoices you send to customers. In addition, you can also automate the calculation of mileage payments for employee reimbursements and document utility bills in a central database.

Business owners can make life much easier by utilizing unified accounting project management solutions to help track expenses, automatically send invoices, and generate customized reports.

Consider Hiring a Tax Accountant

Investing in a seasoned tax accountant near me can be valuable for your business, even if the professional commits just a few hours every week or month to work on your small business bookkeeping and accounting needs.

A certified bookkeeper will record income and expenses and categorize them for a specified period. Conversely, a chartered accountant will help file your business taxes and set up your business’s accounting backbone. A reputable bookkeeping company will have certified tax consultants near me ready to assist you.

With an expert bookkeeper or chartered accountant handling all financial tasks, business owners can focus entirely on their business to attract customers and satisfy existing clients. They can also develop new products and services and grow their business.

Final Thoughts

Bookkeeping is a necessary evil that businesses cannot escape because almost everything depends on it. With an accurate and robust accounting system, you will get information about the business’s cash flow, performance, and financial condition, and it will help you make informed financial decisions. With the tips mentioned above in mind, you can ensure your small business bookkeeping records are available and can make better decisions for your business. You can also eliminate the headache of bookkeeping by outsourcing this function to a certified bookkeeper to help you out. Having a safe pair of skilled hands providing bookkeeping services for small businesses will give you, as the business owner, the confidence and freedom to lead from the front by focusing more on growing your business.