In her astonishing and powerful book, Seven Cups of Consciousness: Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms (New World Library), Aleya offers a direct manual on how to engage with the higher dimensions to advance your own evolution–to create a life filled with happiness and purpose, always connected with a divine and perfect aspect of yourself, protected and guided by a loving angelic presence. She shows how this kind of life becomes possible when we learn to consciously connect at the spiritual level with higher dimensions.
“When you explore your inner realms, along with the higher dimensions, your life will change in amazing ways,” writes Aleya, a sound healer, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, acupuncturist and spiritual guide for 20 years in the Southwest. She practiced in Telluride, CO, before moving to Santa Barbara, CA where she currently serves an international clientele. “The basic idea is that all your work is done at a level higher than your physical reality. There are aspects of you that exist in higher dimensions, at the spiritual level. I call these parts of you your energy self or your Higher Self.”
Seven Cups of Consciousness offers step-by-step practical guidance for reaching beyond one’s limited physical experience and energetically opening to the guidance and support of multidimensional resources.
Her book outlines specific processes built around “cups of consciousness” that are designed to give readers access to the energetic realm and the innumerable resources it contains. “The physical realm is only one of many. You are a multidimensional being expressing yourself in multiple dimensions,” writes Aleya. “You are never alone. Using your angelic resources can assist you in enormous ways.”
Just as a cup of coffee or tea helps you wake up in the morning, Aleya promises readers that sipping from the “cups of consciousness” she offers will help them awaken to higher levels of consciousness and energetic support:
- First Cup – You Live in a Multidimensional Reality
- Second Cup – You Are Never Alone
- Third Cup – You Can Change Your Inner World
- Fourth Cup – Your Challenges Can Help You Grow
- Fifth Cup – Your Body Is a Nature Spirit
- Sixth Cup – You Have Soul’s Wisdom
- Seventh Cup – You Are Perfect

- Become acquainted with your own River of Light, adjacent to the front of your spinal cord
- Dialogue with your Team to resolve old “stuff” that keeps you mired in lack, limitation, real world problems and broken romances
- Communicate with your Body Deva, the nature spirit that is embodied as your physical self
- Begin living a multidimensional life, so that you solve problems from a vantage point that you cannot by living a 2D existence
- Enable your Higher Self, Team and Body Deva to support you in living a life that is fully expressed with joy, fulfillment, purpose, self-love and even romance!
“The key lies in your ability to focus on your inner world, using your imagination and intent as a way to connect to other dimensions,” writes Aleya. “You will learn that your real power comes from within and from beyond. As you develop these tools, your consciousness will evolve, your challenges will transform, and a deep inner peace and empowerment will bloom.”