Tag Archives: Andrew Block

Ont. Liberals – Our Province Second Only To California For Foreign Direct Investment

Today Minister of Economic Development and Innovation Brad Duguid announced that Ontario is partnering with companies for projects that will help create 550 new jobs and protect 1,056 existing jobs for families. The province is supporting company investments which will create new jobs for families, help spur growth and strengthen local economies.  These new jobs build upon the 97,700 net new jobs that have already been created in Ontario so far this year alone.

Ontario Helps Create Jobs
McGuinty Government Partners With Companies To Strengthen The Economy
NEWS October 27, 2011

Ontario is partnering with companies for projects that will help create 550 new jobs and protect 1,056 existing jobs for families.  The province is supporting company investments which will create new jobs for families, help spur growth and strengthen local economies.  These new jobs build upon the 97,700 net new jobs that have already been created in Ontario so far this year alone.
In the face of global economic uncertainty, Ontario continues to provide strong and stable business conditions which are helping companies create jobs with new
investments across the province. Partnering with local businesses and supporting business is part of the McGuinty government’s plan
Silo Direct Link to Ontario Government Budgets Website  in moving forward to create and support new and existing jobs across the province.

“The foundation of Ontario’s economy is our skilled workers and innovative companies.  Our government will continue its proactive approach to partner with business and industry. We will invest strategically to help companies grow, create jobs and help Ontario progress in this period of economic uncertainty.”
– Brad Duguid, Minister of Economic Development and Innovation
*                     Since October 2003, Ontario has created 524,100 new jobs.

*                     In 2010, Ontario was named a top destination for foreign direct investment in North America, second only to California. The province attracted a total of 127 Foreign Direct Investment projects, which created more than 11,200 jobs.

*                     In June of this year, Ontario created more jobs than the rest of Canada and the United States combined.

*                     KPMG calculates that Ontario has an 11.3 per cent cost advantage for research and development relative to the United States.

*                     As a result of the tax changes implemented in Ontario, taxes on business investment were cut in half, making Ontario more competitive and encouraging business growth.


Read Ontario’s Progress Report 2011
Silo Direct Link to Ontario Governments Progress Report Website Check out government-funded programs and services.

Visit the Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation’s Silo Direct Link to Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation Website  website for comprehensive economic and trade news, including a toolkit for businesses.
Andrew Block, Minister Duguid’s Office, 416-276-0511
Neil Trotter, Communications Branch, 416-325-6716
Silo Direct Link to Ontario Governments Economy News Website

Disponible en français
Ministère du Développement économique et de l’Innovation

L’Ontario contribue à la création d’emplois
Le gouvernement McGuinty fait équipe avec des entreprises pour renforcer l’économie
NOUVELLES                                                                           Le 27 octobre 2011

L’Ontario fait équipe avec des entreprises en vue de réaliser des projets qui permettront de créer 550 nouveaux emplois et de protéger 1 056 emplois existants
pour les familles. La province aide les entreprises à faire des investissements qui créeront de nouveaux emplois pour les familles, stimuleront la croissance et renforceront les économies locales. Ces nouveaux emplois s’ajoutent aux quelque 97 700 nouveaux emplois nets qui ont déjà été créés en Ontario depuis le début de l’année.
Alors que la situation économique mondiale est incertaine, l’Ontario continue d’offrir aux entreprises un environnement solide et stable qui les aide à créer des
emplois en faisant de nouveaux investissements dans toute la province. Faire équipe avec des entreprises locales et donner du soutien aux entreprises sont
deux éléments du plan du gouvernement McGuinty de créer de nouveaux emplois et de maintenir les emplois existants dans la province.
« Les travailleurs spécialisés et les entreprises innovantes constituent le fondement de l’économie ontarienne. Notre gouvernement maintiendra sa démarche
proactive en faisant équipe avec les entreprises et l’industrie. Nous ferons des investissements stratégiques pour aider les entreprises à prendre de l’expansion, à
créer des emplois et à contribuer à la croissance de l’Ontario en cette période d’incertitude économique. »

– Brad Duguid, ministre du Développement économique et de l’Innovation

*                     Depuis octobre 2003, l’Ontario a créé 524 100 nouveaux emplois.

*                     En 2010, la province de l’Ontario figurait au deuxième rang des principales destinations pour les investissements directs étrangers en Amérique
du Nord, après la Californie. La province a attiré au total 127 projets d’investissement direct étranger qui ont créé plus de 11 200 emplois.

*                     En juin, l’Ontario a créé plus d’emplois que le reste du Canada et les États-Unis combinés.

*                     D’après KPMG, l’Ontario dispose d’un avantage de 11,3 % au niveau des coûts par rapport aux États-Unis en matière de recherche-développement.

*                     Par suite des modifications fiscales apportées en Ontario, les impôts sur les investissements des entreprises ont été réduits de moitié, ce qui rend la province plus compétitive et favorise la croissance des entreprises.
Consultez le Rapport d’étape 2011
http://www.ontario.ca/fr/initiatives/ProgressReport2011/ONT05_039201.html  de l’Ontario.
Renseignez-vous sur les programmes et services financés par le gouvernement http://www.ontario.ca/fr/business_program/index.htm  destinés aux entreprises
Visitez le site Web du ministère du Développement économique et de l’Innovation http://www.ontariocanada.com/ontcan/1medt/fr/home_fr.jsp  pour obtenir des
nouvelles détaillées sur l’économie et le commerce, ainsi qu’une trousse destinée
aux entreprises.

Andrew Block, bureau du ministre Duguid, 416 276-0511
Neil Trotter, Direction des communications, 416 325-6716

Creating Stability For Clean Energy Projects


To maintain momentum and ensure Ontario remains competitive in North America’s emerging clean energy economy, the province is taking a number of actions to make it easier for energy developers and manufacturers to do business in the province.


These changes are part of ongoing efforts to provide stability and create jobs in Ontario’s clean energy sector and protect the health and safety of Ontarians and the environment.


To date more than 20,000 clean energy jobs have been created in Ontario, and the province is on track to create 50,000 by 2012.


Changes to Feed in Tariff (FIT) Contract Terms


A new process is being introduced to help provide stability for developers to move clean energy projects forward. FIT contract holders with projects seeking project financing and a manufacturing partner now have the opportunity to request the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to waive its termination rights if they meet certain conditions. This means:

  • Large developers must submit a Domestic Content Plan and have it approved by the OPA by December 31, 2011. As well they must submit evidence of an agreement to purchase equipment by December 31, 2011.


  • For medium sized projects, a Domestic Content Plan must be submitted by December 31, 2011.


  • Developers of clean energy programs that do not require Domestic Content plans — hydro, biogas, landfill gas and biomass — may also request that the OPA waive its termination rights.


This will give clean energy developers more stability in planning and more flexibility to obtain financing and place orders for equipment.


Developers still need to obtain regulatory approvals, provide a completed Financing Plan, and documentation related to completed grid impact assessments, as well as pay the required security, before they are able to move to the construction phase.


Improving the Renewable Energy Approval Process


The Renewable Energy Approval (REA) is a single approval that integrates environmental and health and safety matters.
The purpose of the REA is to avoid duplication, set clear, upfront provincial rules and encourage the development of more clean energy projects. The rules ensure all clean energy projects built in Ontario are subject to the same requirements to protect human health and the environment. The province has made a number of improvements to streamline the process even further.


The Ministry of the Environment has reduced the amount of time it takes for the initial screening review of application from 90 days to 40 days by:

  • Establishing a dedicated REA team focused only on the management and review of REA applications.


  • Holding over 250 pre-consultation meetings with proponents to ensure awareness of REA requirements. Key documents and resources related to the process are available on a dedicated      business website for easy access.


These process improvements will be further enhanced by:


  • The release of a new Technical Guide to Renewable Energy Approvals to help renewable energy developers meet the requirements of the Renewable Energy Approvals regulation (O. Reg. 359/09).


    • This will provide clear guidance on how to prepare the required technical and scientific reports as well as conduct more effective consultations with municipalities, the public and Aboriginal communities.


  • Releasing an aboriginal consultation guide for proponents that has been developed by consulting with technical experts within key First Nations organizations and other ministries. The draft is now posted for broader consultation.


The Ministry of Natural Resources has also introduced a number of steps and new tools to save developers time:


  • Developing technical guidelines on protection of natural heritage and significant wildlife habitat that provide clear rules for the renewable energy industry.


  • Delivering intensive training sessions to more than 100 industry environmental consultants on implementing technical guidelines.


  • Releasing new tools, templates and resources to streamline processes for completing REA approval requirements, including rapid assessment tools for significant wildlife habitat and wetlands.


  • Focusing staff resources on reviewing and approving Feed-in Tariff projects, resulting approval of over 75 per cent of natural heritage assessments submitted to the ministry.


  • Establishing a regional team of specialists to focus on the new Bruce to Milton Feed-in-Tariff projects – developers will be contacted by the ministry within three weeks of receiving their FIT contracts to begin the regulatory review process.


In addition, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture considers the review of all REA heritage and archaeological assessment reports as a priority, with the highest focus on those projects with FIT contracts. That’s why the ministry will implement a 60-day service guarantee for written comments on final assessment reports. As well, this June the ministry posted an Information Bulletin on its website; it helps applicants navigate through meeting the cultural heritage requirements of the REA process by clarifying all requirements for proponents and provides a step-by-step outline of the process. This will help ensure applications are completed and improve the quality of self-assessments.


The ministry also:

  • Released Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists (2011) and associated training for consultant archaeologists.
  • Is in the process of developing technical guidance for heritage consultants on conducting and preparing heritage assessments


Together these guidance materials will help lead to a more rapid review process.


Changes to Property Tax Treatment of Renewable Energy Facilities


Regulatory amendments are being proposed to Ontario Regulation 282/98 regarding the property tax treatment of renewable energy facilities.


The Assessment Act and Ontario Regulation 282/98 currently provide rules governing the property tax treatment of energy generation facilities; however, in some situations, these rules may not be sufficiently detailed to address issues relating to emerging types of energy installations.


The objective of the proposed regulatory amendments is to provide clarity and certainty to property owners, municipalities and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, and to ensure that property tax does not act as a disincentive to energy generation, particularly small-scale generation by persons who are not ordinarily in the business of generation.


More information

Read more about Ontario’s Green Energy Act.


Read more about the Renewable Energy Approvals Process


Read the Minister of Energy’s Directive to the Ontario Power Authority


Read the Regulatory Registry posting of proposed changes to Property Tax Treatment of Renewable Energy Facilities.


To Learn more about renewable energy in Ontario visit  http://www.ontario.ca/renewableenergy



Andrew Block, Minister’s Office, 416-327-6747Paul Gerard, Communications Branch, 416-326-7226


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