Tag Archives: Alberta

US Climate Scientist Pushes For Canadian Carbon Tax Serfdom?

(Calgary, Alberta) The Canadian Federation of Taxpayers (CTF) has issued a new report on global carbon taxes, showing most countries have frozen or rolled back carbon taxes, but US climate scientist James Hansen is pushing for a $210/t carbon tax in Canada by 2030Hansen’s argument is that the tax has to be high enough that people will buy into the carbon dividend (rebate to lower income households) – effectively making Canadians into carbon serfs and a carbon welfare society. CTF reports: About half of the emissions covered by carbon taxes are priced below US$10/tCO2e, according to the World Bank’s most recent State and Trends of Carbon Pricing (2019).”  Canada has more than 600 greenhouse gas reduction/incentive measures on the books, which have never been audited for effectiveness.

This begs the question of “what is a climate scientist doing dabbling in Canada’s domestic affairs on carbon taxes, pushing a carbon tax that is 21 times that of the world,” says Friends of Science Society. 

As revealed by Lawrence Solomon in the 2009 article “Enron’s Other Secret” “James Hansen, the scientist who more than any other is responsible for bringing the possibility of climate-change catastrophe to the public, was among the scientists Enron commissioned.”

Chart: How the World Puts a Price on Carbon | Statista

Enron had profited from cap and trade, but the company collapsed into a pile of ashes in 2001 due to off-book accounting and financial fraud.

None-the-less, a group of green billionaires took up the global cap-and-trade challenge, apparently working from the Enron carbon/cap-and-trade scheme model, as reported by Nisbet in 2018.  Like Enron, they have funded local and global environmental groups to agitate for policies in countries around the world, favorable to their proposed global cap and trade plan. The plans require a price on carbon with the intention of funding their trillions in vested interests in renewables.  Many of these groups are associated with the Tar Sands Campaign that has falsely created “Fear and Loathing” of the Alberta oil sands and driven a downturn in the economy.

Michael Moore’s recent movie “Planet of the Humans” revealed how this green crony capitalism is destroying the planet for no climate benefit.

Canadians now face an onslaught of Carbonbaggers – the number one being Mark Carney, now UN Climate Czar and former Bank of England and Bank of Canada governor.  Carney threatens firms with bankruptcy if they do not comply with his demands to report on climate risk and abandon fossil fuel investments.

As Robert Lyman’s new report shows: “Broken Promises: Why Renewables Offer No Resilient Recovery”, Carney is misleading the public and investors on global oil consumption and demand.

Both oil production and consumption have risen by more than one million barrels per day per year since 2012.

• Oil demand is at its highest level in history.

• In absolute terms, oil demand is growing twice as fast as renewables.

• Global oil reserves have risen throughout the period, from 1141 billion barrels in 1998 to 1730 billion barrels in 2018; peak oil is nowhere in sight. That is a 10 million barrel per day increase over the nine years.

• In absolute terms, natural gas is experiencing the fastest rate of growth of all energy sources, almost three times as fast as renewables.

• Natural gas demand is at its highest level in history.

Friends of Science Society says carbon dioxide from human industry is a nominal influence on climate change, known since the 2013 IPCC AR5 report.  The fact that financial ‘experts’ like Mark Carney are still pushing the climate-carbon dioxide catastrophe theme constitutes a violation of securities regulations related to ‘material change’.  Furthermore, as Roger Pielke, Jr. reports, climate catastrophe scenarios are the product of green billionaires pushing the ‘climate porn’ scenario, which is far from reality or business-as-usual.

“Green” groups in Canada are demanding that the new Canadian Infrastructure Bank be used to finance their green crony capitalist schemes. 

Friends of Science Society issued a request for ethics investigation into the development of the Canadian Infrastructure Bank in Nov. 2017.  The Conflict of Interest concerns expressed there are still valid in their opinion.

Evidence from Norway to Zimbabwe shows that carbon taxes have no discernible impact on emissions reduction and are simply oppressive to taxpayers and industry.  Friends of Science Society says Carbonbaggers should not be using carbon taxes as a means of creating a Canadian climate welfare state, especially not driven by foreign influences, street theatre, and deception.

See “The Roots of Global Warming”.


Friends of Science Society is an independent group of earth, atmospheric and solar scientists, engineers, and citizens who are celebrating its 17th year of offering climate science insights. After a thorough review of a broad spectrum of literature on climate change, Friends of Science Society has concluded that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2).

Featured image by @HeatherLibby

Port Dover Hosts Biggest Single Day Biker Event In Canada

Before you contemplate the pictures above lets flash-back to Friday 13th, 1984, when Chris Simons, a local biker, and a few of his buddies met in the “ZOO,” a local watering hole, to shoot the breeze and have a few cold ones. They agreed to meet every Fri. 13th and pass the idea on to friends. And so it began.

Friday the 13th in Port Dover,ON

Many local people, including the Municipal Council, feared the 1% of potentially violent bikers invading Norfolk County (as opposed to the 99% of peaceful riders), but as it grew into the biggest money making event the Kinsmen had ever seen, the need for some organization became evident.

The word went out to “LEAVE YOUR COLOURS AND ATTITUDES AT HOME,” otherwise the Council threatened to shut it down. The Kinsmen knew the bikers would continue to come and numbers would soar. The Coffin Bike and even Santa Claus were soon regular attendees as well as the Motor Maids (6000 strong nation-wide) and the Christian Riders.

HOG (Harley Owners Group) and BRO (Bikers Rights Organization) were present. By 1999 the OPP reported 12 outlaw biker clubs present in Port Dover, including Satan’s Choice, Hells Angels, Outlaws, Nomads, Para-Dice Riders, Red Devils, Piston Pushers, and even Banditos. Still, no violence erupted and over 100 police were brought in to maintain order.

As word spread Port Dover became THE place to be on Friday The 13th. Bikes were showing up from Quebec, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and B.C., as well as Americans from as far away as Florida. Even several Brits put their bike on a ship and came over.

Tim Hortons Drive-Thru soon was a walk-through. Yard Sales were common; seniors sold food to pay for a wheelchair-van. Pop, water and Freezies were sold from many local yards and eateries. Bars and beer gardens struggled to meet the demand in the summer months.

Big name bands were soon playing, like Steppenwolf, Colin James, Blue Rodeo, Dry County, Tragically Hip and local favourites. As the 20th century came to a close over 100,000 people were attending in the summer months.

As crowds swelled to over 150,000 in a town of 4,500, businesses placed “WELCOME BIKERS” signs in their storefronts and traffic backed up to Simcoe in the West and Cayuga in the East. Lodgings were booked-up for a year in advance and campgrounds swelled to full capacity quickly. Some businesses closed for the day like law offices, pharmacies, hardware stores and banks, though they stocked their debit machines full and went to work with the service clubs.

In 2009 The Port Dover Board of Trade, Kinsmen and the Lions partnered to run this massive event. The Kinsmen now handle bookings for 100 vendors in Powell Park and the Harbor Front, and run a 1,200 capacity beer garden. They monitor about 1200 campers in Kinsmen Park and Doverwood School, as well as selling souvenirs, including over 1,000 t-shirts. Shuttles are provided to haul campers to the action downtown.

Over the years the Kinsmen Club recruited many others to help, like Minor Softball and Hockey, Hard ball, Jr. Hockey, Figure Skating, Soccer, Maureen Dodds Art Foundation, Alzheimers, Big Brothers, High School Council (the Port Dover High School was closed a few years ago) Scouts K. of  C., and the Harbor Museum. Other Kin Clubs came on board as did “Support our School.” At one point 26 other groups assisted the Kinsmen with everybody getting a share of the pie. It’s well known that bikers come back to visit Port Dover even when it’s not Fri. 13, as can be witnessed on any good weekend throughout the summer. The welcome mat is out so come visit us on Friday, September 13th, 2013 and every Friday the 13th to follow.   For the Silo……Yours in Kin: Life Member Dave C.

Canada Methane Emissions Not Properly Regulated

We need to take steps NOW to make sure Canada’s methane (aka Hydrogen Sulfide gas which contains up to 90% methane) emissions are being properly regulated. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide – and its uncontrolled emissions affect everyone.

The solutions to reducing methane emissions are actually very simple – frequent leak detection and repairs, and replacing equipment that deliberately releases methane. The industry is resisting these solutions and pushing the Canadian government for weaker methane regulations. They want longer delays before regulations come into effect, as well as less frequent monitoring so that methane leaks go undetected for longer. And, they want to be paid for reducing methane emissions – so instead of polluters pay, the industry wants it to be pay-the-polluter.

Those who live in Alberta strongly agree that regulating pollutants like methane to the strictest North American standards is the right thing to do. If the province that would be most affected by these regulations feels this way, why aren’t we doing it?

Time is running out to make sure Canada’s methane emissions are strongly regulated. For the Silo, Dale Marshall.  Featured image- Les Stone /Greenpeace

Dale Marshall
National Program Manager

It Will Cost Over $45 Billion To Clean Up Alberta Toxic Tailings Ponds

The numbers are staggering. For over 50 years, the tars sands industry in Alberta has been producing a toxic brew of water, sand, silt and petrochemical waste products and storing them in what the industry refers to as “tailings ponds”.  And, the volumes are only growing – surpassing 1 TRILLION litres, covering an area greater than Toronto and Vancouver combined!

Won’t you help us fight to clean up this mess?

Every day 25 million new litres of tailings are added to the ever growing toxic tailings ponds. These tailings ponds leach toxic chemicals, like lead, mercury, arsenic and benzene – putting local and downstream communities at risk. First Nations living in Fort Chipewyan, 200 km downstream from the oil sands development sites, have experienced higher than normal rates of cancer as a result.

We cannot stand idly by and do nothing.

We are working hard to ensure that regulations are implemented that are stringent, binding and effective. And, that they reduce the volume of tailings, guarantee existing tailings ponds are treated at a faster rate than they are produced and make oil sands companies bear full financial responsibility for the cleanup (now estimated at over $45 billion and growing).

With my sincere gratitude,

Dale Marshall
National Program Manager

P.S. We just released our report on Alberta’s tailings ponds – you can read it and check out the live trackings of tailings ponds volume and clean up liability here.

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Environmental Defence Canada – 116 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2K6

Featured image- blogs.nelson.wisc.edu/es112albertasaskatchewan301/water/

Canada Was Being Transformed Due To Stephen Harper’s Government

MacLean’s columnist, Paul Wells, wrote a book on Prime Minister Stephen Harper entitled “The longer I’m Prime Minister: Stephen Harper and Canada 2006 –“.  In this book, the author warns that as the years pass with Harper in office, Canada is being radically transformed.

The Longer Im In Power Book Excerpt

Truthfully, Canada is being transformed because of Stephen Harper’s government in Ottawa  – just not in the way that Paul Wells anticipated it would be.  Wells pictured our federal government being fashioned into a reflection of a Reagan-esque Washington, where an enduring small-c government will be his legacy.

If Wells is right and that was Harper’s goal, then he hasn’t accomplished it.  Canada’s Economic Action Plan was one of this country’s largest ever public spending policies and Harper’s government has run deficits each year in office, except for the last budget.

But Stephen Harper has changed Canada, and in at least one case irreparably, because of his influence on Provincial politics.

Stephen Harper

Over the course of the past 50 years, provincial leaders have postured during campaigns that Ottawa has been unfair to their province.  Trudeau’s National Energy Policy was pure gold to the Alberta PC’s led by Peter Lougheed.  Anti Liberal sentiment has endured and kept the PC’s in power for more than a generation after Trudeau left office.

Canadian voters inherently understand the need for checks and balances by electing a strong Premier who promises to guard against the power of the federal government.

The trend in Ontario is if the Prime Minister is a Liberal, then the Premier will be a PC – and vice versa.  This trend has been going on for generations.

In reaction to Stephen Harper being Prime Minister, Ontarians have sleep-walked into re-electing Liberals who have put in place policies that have devastated the Ontario economy.  Seven years have passed since the great recession and Ontario shows scant few signs of recovery.  The crown jewel of the Ontario economy, it’s manufacturing sector, has left Ontario after years of artificially high energy costs and unnecessary red tape.  Local economies once buttressed by auto manufacturing are left reeling under Kathleen Wynne’s government.

The longer that Stephen Harper remains Prime Minister, the deeper the chasm for Ontarians created under provincial Liberal mismanagement.  With public debt loads skyrocketing, it will soon be impossible for the next generation to find its footing after a decade of reckless waste.

What is going on in Ontario today under the ardently left wing government of Kathleen Wynne should be a splash of cold water in the faces of Albertans who recently voted to give a majority mandate to the NDP.

Alberta had 42 years of provincial PC power.  During that time, they saw four conservative Prime Ministers, Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, and Stephen Harper.  (Clark and Campbell held power for only a few months and they had little impact on provincial politics.)

When Mulroney won his massive majority by piecing together a winning coalition of conservative voters in Alberta and Quebec, his government elicited a jarring reaction from Alberta voters.  Rather than change the provincial government, Albertans birthed a new federal party, the Reform Party, and booted all of the federal PC’s out of the province in the next election.

And the provincial vs. federal dynamic played a role in last night’s Alberta election results.  A former high ranking cabinet minister in the Harper government, Jim Prentice was soundly rejected by voters, ending the PC dynasty as the party moves from first to third in the provincial legislature.  Simply put, Jim Prentice was too close to Stephen Harper.  And when Alberta’s only sound opposition, former Wildrose leader Danielle Smith,  shocked her party to join Prentice in an attempt to “strengthen forces” we saw the idea backfire magnificently in last night’s results with a crushing Orange wave.  Alberta voters did not trust Prentice to provide the checks and balances that will see the province through the economic crisis brought on by low oil prices.

Does an Alberta Orange Wave mean that Stephen Harper’s support in Alberta is waning?  Will we see prominent cabinet ministers defeated on October 19th?

Anti-Harperites might think so but there really isn’t a chance the CPC will lose seats in Alberta this time around.

Alberta has an Albertan Prime Minister.  Many of the most powerful cabinet ministers are also Albertan.  When Harper retires, his successor will likely also be an Albertan.

Alberta voters have people in Ottawa that they know they can count on.

On the other hand, the two other federal options can be easily discounted.  Mulcair and Trudeau are both from Montreal and each have a checkered history with Alberta oil interests.

Rather than change the Prime Minister, Alberta voters decided that they will change the provincial government instead .

Checks and balances will be restored in the voter’s minds. For the Silo, Maddie Di Muccio.

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A former municipal town councillor in Newmarket, Ontario, Di Muccio often appears as a political pundit in the media and her freelance columns in the Toronto Sun discuss political issues across Canada. She currently serves as President of York Region Taxpayer’s Coalition and President of the Society for Quality Education.