Queen’s Park – Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner is calling on the status quo parties to stop playing political games and
focus on getting Ontario’s economy moving again while protecting the people and places we love.

“It is essential that political leaders put the public interest before their political self-interest,” says Schreiner. “Ontario needs an honest debate about making our schools fair and fiscally responsible, halting the record loss of farmland, and reversing the lack of concrete support for small businesses to create jobs.”
The Green Party urges the three other parties to seek solutions to the issues facing Ontario today that will last beyond the
next election.
Schreiner put forward the Green Party’s policy priorities for the spring session:
* A jobs plan that cuts taxes for small businesses by doubling the exemption level for the Employer Health Tax
* Permanent protection for prime farmland and source water, and
* Improving our kids’ education by merging the school boards into one public system with French and English boards to save $1.2 billion each year
“We need to tackle the tough challenges now. Ontario desperately needs new ideas to foster job creation and to protect the people and places we love,” says Schreiner. “The Green Party will continue to hold the government answerable to the people of Ontario.” For the Silo, Becky Smit.