How Covid Affects Ontario Legislature

The past week has been a whirlwind of activity in Ontario politics.    Some have asked about my absence from the Legislature for the vote on May 31.    

With the advent of COVID-19, all political parties decided to divide the sitting members of the Legislature into two groups with equal representation from all parties. 

Separate groups in the Legislature are an attempt to diminish the spread of COVID-19.  

The Legislature is divided into two groups or cohorts in case COVID-19 swept through the sitting members, which could result in all members being in quarantine and the Legislature grinding to a halt. Instead, with two groups, only part of the Legislature would end up in quarantine and the other half could take over.   

My group was not designated to be in the Legislature May 31. For this reason, I was not present in the House. All parties agreed to not have remote voting in the Ontario Legislature. I am presently working from home, including serving virtually on Standing Committees.    

The motion passed on Monday relates to the ability to extend and amend existing orders under the Reopening Ontario Act. Orders made under the Act’s authority have always been, and will continue to be, required to be extended in 30-day increments by Cabinet. All orders may also be amended by Cabinet at any time to loosen or tighten restrictions as necessary. These Orders have been the mechanism that we use to implement the COVID-19 response since last July, including the colour-coded framework, the shutdown, and now the roadmap to reopening.   

Please note that the declaration of emergency and Stay-at-Home orders have expired as a result of key indicators for COVID-19 trending in the right direction and significant progress being made in vaccinations.   

However, because of the new, fast-growing Indian B.1.617.2 and to allow for higher vaccination rates, our government made the difficult decision to continue with remote learning for all elementary and secondary students across the province for the remainder of this school year. This will allow the province to continue its focus on accelerating COVID-19 vaccinations to support a safe summer and return to in-person learning in September for the 2021-22 school year.   

The health and safety of Ontario students, staff, educators and families remains a top priority.  

On a personal note, my wife Cari and I both contracted COVID-19 and have completely recovered.  Cari is home from Joseph Brant Hospital and is doing very well after a week-and-a-half there, including one week in Intensive Care. We have ended our self-isolation, although we continue to follow public health guidelines.     

We can’t begin to express our appreciation for all the messages of support and concern – thank you everyone!!    

My positive test for the N501Y mutation of the UK B.1.1.7 variant was a result of picking up the virus just prior to my vaccination.

The changing face of the pandemic: New COVID-19 variants spark concern

We must also be vigilant as the new B.1.617.2 variant, which was first identified in India and entered the province through Canada’s international borders, grew in Ontario by 600 per cent from May 12 to May 19.  

The threat of new variants reinforces my belief that we all must continue to be cautious because of this highly transmissible disease.    For the Silo, Toby Barrett MPP for Haldimand-Norfolk.   


One response to “How Covid Affects Ontario Legislature”

  1. Toby Barrett Avatar

    Continuing to protect Ontarians while moving forward

    This month, the second session of Ontario’s 42nd Parliament reconvened with Her Majesty’s Speech from the Throne by Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor.

    Much of the Throne Speech focused on the work of the province, country and world to fight new variants of Covid-19. The past 18 months have been some of the most difficult in modern life. Families have grieved the loss of life. Jobs have been lost and businesses shuttered. The pandemic continues to challenge us in unimaginable ways.

    The Ontario Government took extraordinary measures to slow the spread, and Ontarians have shown remarkable resolve by doing what is necessary to protect our communities, our hospitals and most vulnerable citizens.

    Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel is looking brighter.

    The Ontario Government has continued to work cooperatively with municipal leaders, public health officials, frontline health care workers and the federal government to achieve one of the best vaccination rates in the world.

    For this reason, Ontario has pursued the most cautious reopening in Canada. This approach has included some of the highest vaccine thresholds for easing restrictions. It has maintained effective public health measures like indoor masking, while implementing vaccine policies to protect the vulnerable in retirement homes, hospitals, home and community care, and educational institutions.

    In my constituency- Haldimand-Norfolk, 80 per cent of the population 12 and older is fully vaccinated.

    Recently, government further strengthened protections for long-term care homes by requiring vaccination of all staff, save valid medical exemption. This is in addition to surveillance testing and inspections. Ontario was also the first province in Canada to provide third doses to residents of long-term care.

    In support of Ontario’s cautious reopening, the province also introduced a vaccine certificate. Government did not make the decision to require proof of vaccination lightly. The struggle to strike the balance between long-established rights and freedoms and the need to do what is necessary to protect lives has been among our greatest challenges.

    However, as seen elsewhere in Canada and North America, the Covid-19 pandemic remains an urgent public health emergency. As we confront the Delta-driven fourth wave, every tool must be considered.

    Ontario cannot go backwards. After 18 months of fighting, we owe our businesses stability and certainty.

    Your government also recognizes that we cannot live under these exceptional measures forever. Vaccine certificates are temporary and will be discontinued when it is safe to do so, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

    Throughout the pandemic, we have been guided by the latest science when making decisions on how to keep Ontarians healthy and safe.

    As Ontario’s vaccine rate grows, we move into a new phase of the pandemic. In this new phase, while cases may rise as people head indoors during colder months, the Chief Medical Officer of Health has stated this is not a cause for panic. Instead, thanks to the protection offered by Ontario’s world-leading vaccine rate, the vaccinated are at much lower risk for more severe health outcomes, such as hospitalization.

    Further, Ontario’s top doctors and public health officials are continuously monitoring hospitalizations and intensive care units, which drive decision making. If additional public health measures are needed, they will be localized and targeted. At the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, they will seek to minimize disruptions to businesses and families.

    The ultimate goal, shared by all, is avoiding future lockdowns and protecting Ontarians.

    Toby Barrett MPP for Haldimand-Norfolk

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