North America and is equivalent to taking up to seven million cars off the road.”
Ontario is now the first jurisdiction in North America to fully eliminate coal as a source of electricity generation. The Thunder Bay Generating Station, Ontario’s last remaining coal-fired facility, has burned its last supply of coal. Operated by Ontario Power Generation, Thunder Bay Generating Station was the oldest coal-fired station in the province. The plant is scheduled to be converted to burn advanced biomass, a renewable fuel source. The province has replaced coal generation with a mix of emission-free electricity sources like nuclear, waterpower, wind and solar, along with lower-emission electricity sources like natural gas and biomass. Read more below the following infographic.
Ontario has fulfilled its commitment to end coal generation in advance of its target of the end of 2014. A coal-free electricity supply mix has led to a significant reduction in harmful emissions, as well as cleaner air and a healthier environment.
Providing clean, reliable and affordable power is part of the government’s economic plan that is creating jobs for today and tomorrow. The comprehensive plan and its six priorities focus on Ontario’s greatest strengths – its people and strategic
* Thunder Bay Generating Station came into service in 1963.
* Converting the station to advanced biomass will retain 60 jobs in Thunder Bay.
* Last year, Ontario introduced the Ending Coal for Cleaner Air
Act http://news.ontario.ca/ene/en/2013/11/ending-coal-for-cleaner-air-in-ontario.html , which would ensure coal-fired generation as a source of electricity in the province never happens again.
* Since 2003, Ontario’s coal closure plan has eliminated up to 30 megatonnes of emissions annually. The closure of Thunder Bay Generating Station marks the end of coal fired emissions from electricity generation in Ontario.
* According to a 2005 independent study, “Cost Benefit Analysis: Replacing Ontario’s Coal-Fired Electricity Generation http://www.energy.gov.on.ca/docs/en/coal_cost_benefit_analysis_april2005.pdf ,” the estimated cost of coal generation was approximately $4.4 billion annually when health, environmental, and financial costs were taken into consideration.
* Learn more about the financial, environmental and health impacts of dirty coal.<http://www.energy.gov.on.ca/docs/en/coal_cost_benefit_analysis_april2005.pdf>
* Learn more about how Ontario’s air quality is improving in the Air Quality in Ontario Report for
* Read the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) study on outdoor
air pollution as a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths<http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2013/pdfs/pr221_E.pdf>.
“Getting off coal is the single largest climate change initiative undertaken in
North America and is equivalent to taking up to seven million cars off the road.
Today we celebrate a cleaner future for our children and grandchildren while
embracing the environmental benefits that our cleaner energy sources will bring.”
— Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Energy
Ontarians deserve a break on their hydro bills, not billions spent on foreign companies
SIMCOE – I’ve joined Opposition Energy Critic Todd Smith to urge the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to reject Hydro One’s application for yet another unaffordable rate increase for Ontario families.
In a letter to the OEB, Smith highlighted the fact that Ontario families are paying more while Hydro One is spending billions on foreign companies. Hydro One recently announced the purchase of Washington-based Avista Corp. for nearly $7 billion.
“Just last month, Hydro One cried poor and justified their rate hike as a necessary cost to fix a backlog of repairs,” said Smith. “Now almost magically, the company has found close to $7 billion to throw at foreign companies. Why should Ontario ratepayers be on the hook for yet another rate hike when Hydro One clearly has billions of dollars on hand?”
In June, Hydro One applied for another rate increase that would see Ontario ratepayers paying $141 more per year. The Ontario PC Party believes life’s already too unaffordable under the Liberals and has continued to urge the Liberal government and the Ontario Energy Board to stop the rate hike.
It’s ironic the present government is dismantling OPG Nanticoke, costing Haldimand and Norfolk hundreds of good-paying jobs, and then purchasing one of the largest coal burners in the northwestern United States. How can Kathleen Wynne brand herself as a global carbon emission fighter and then allow this under her watch? In the meantime, Hydro One ratepayers will be paying for the American coal-generating station purchase.
A recent Fraser Institute study found “Ontario’s electricity prices have risen by 71 percent from 2008 to 2016, far outpacing electricity price growth in other provinces”.
“Ontario families are already working harder, paying more, and getting less,” said Smith. “They can’t afford yet another rate hike, while consultants, lobbyists, and fat-cat executives get rich off the purchase of foreign companies. The Ontario Energy Board should do the right thing and stop the rate hike.”
For more information, contact me, MPP Toby Barrett at 519-428-0446 or toby.barrett@pc.ola.or